Product Details

Popples Complete Series


Product Description

Popples were characters in a Saturday morning cartoon by the same name that aired in the United States from 1986 to 1987. They first appeared in a one-time Shelly Duvall special called "It's Popple Time", in which they were puppets and marionettes; after being well-received, it was decided to make a cartoon series with the same characters.

The Popples live with a brother and sister, Billy and Bonnie. Billy and Bonnie think they are the only kids who have Popples until a neighbor family moves in and they have their own Popples, the Rock stars, Pufflings and babies. The Popples tend to come around and mess up whatever the kids are trying to do, such as if they are trying to brush their teeth the Popples end up spilling water, toothpaste and soap all over the bathroom. If the kids are trying to clean their rooms, the Popples come along, mess up the room even worse and then help them get everything back to normal just in the nick of time. The plot revolved around the children's efforts to hide the existence of the Popples from the adults around them.

Product Code: POP222


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